EMCO started a dedicated division to incorporate the innovative technology in Energy management field. Apart from the standard methodology in market to save energy like, use LED lights, VFD & the motion sensor etc. EMCO is ventured in modern innovative technologies like: Smart meters, IoT sensors, artificial Intelligence platform etc. for energy savings.EMCO delivers "Energy Management as a Service (EMAAS)" through a completely unique and innovative business model that embeds energy management into the Enterprise Environmental Factor of an organization. This model has been tested successfully across more than 200 facilities in the UAE since 2000 and generates an average of 20% (10% to 27% range in executed projects) energy savings with nominal capex that generally pays back within a few months. Over the years, we have integrated IoT into our delivery model, with the Mission to "Make every consumer an Energy Manager". No other service provider delivers energy management via this model.
While we have worked primarily with buildings, our ubiquitous EMAAS model can be easily extrapolated to manufacturing and other types of facilities as well. Essentially implying that an organization with a diverse set of facilities (manufacturing, office, staff accommodation etc.) can be unified under a homogeneous EMAAS model, with everyone engaged in the program. Since we have developed the "Virtuous cycle of energy conservation", our EMAAS model is relatively low cost, leverages existing resources, organically scalable and bespoke for every project.

With 3e Advisory Company the complete model & new mobile app had been developed to track and monitor the energy. This will be on live and all the consumption of energy and water can be monitored on the mobile by our technicians & Customer. The tested governance framework: